David Conley
Granby’s Funeral Service, Inc.
“I am a Funeral Director because service is my calling. From a very young age I always got peace from providing comfort to those who do needed it. Today, I take pride in providing that same service to those in need.”
Nicholas Farenga
Farenga Brothers
“I am a funeral director because helping people makes me feel good, but helping people at one of the worst times in their lives is a challenge that only a few can take on. And if you succeed at it, well there’s no better feeling than that. I can sleep easy at night and know I’m setting a good example for my kids and giving my family something to be proud of.”
Jenna Fretthold
Fretthold Funeral Home, Inc.
“I love being a Funeral Director because meeting people at a low in life and making the process easier is a blessing. Everyone’s life story deserves to be honored and I have the privilege of doing that every day.”
Julia Goodman
Hammill Funeral Home
“I put the fun in funeral director. I enjoy helping people and I take pride in my work-ensuring the deceased look the best they can for their grieving family. I felt it was a calling and I honestly don’t know what else I would do.”
Michael J. Gorton, Jr., CFSP
McManus-Lorey Funeral Home
“I was called to be a funeral director. To be able to be there for a family at the worst time in their life; to be able to lift a burden off their shoulders and walk with them, and show them a way through their grief, is an honor. To be trusted with their loved one to carry out their wishes or the family’s wishes is such a rewarding experience; I am proud and humbled to be called upon.”
Sabrina Joynes, CFSP
Granby’s Funeral Service
“I love serving and helping families during the most difficult time of their lives. When a family member tells me I made everything smooth and without stress, it is very rewarding.”
Tyler Kent
Walter J. Kent Funeral Home
“I discovered a passion for serving those in need and performing a beneficial service that is crucial to so many at a point in the human experience.”
Michelle Kinville
Ironside Funeral Home
“I love being a funeral director because I help people at the absolute worst moment in their life. I want to become a part of their family; someone they can rely on and trust with their loved one.”
Marika McMeans, CFSP
Miller Funeral and Cremation Services, Inc.
“Being a Funeral Director is the reason I exist. I am able to spend my days in an interesting environment that utilizes my variety of skills and supports my community through their most trying time. It is an honor to be such a guide and to bear witness to raw humanity.”
Heather Rauch
Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home
“I took the aptitude test in 11th grade. My result…embalmer. At that point in my life, I hadn’t lost anyone to death, nor had I known a funeral director. I decided to shadow a licensed director in Buffalo on my high school’s career day. She was awesome. It was my very first glimpse into the rest of my life.”
Melissa Weeks
Townley & Wheeler Funeral Home
“Being a Funeral Director allows me to support families during one of life’s most challenging moments. Helping them honor their loved one’s story and creating a space for celebration and reflection is so rewarding. I am proud to be part of this process for every family we serve and to build lasting connections with them.”
Danny Zysman
Brighton Memorial Chapel
“I am a Funeral Director because the shortstop position for the New York Yankees was already filled. While I don’t have tens of thousands of fans cheering for me – I know I have a “community” that is rooting for me to be there for them in their darkest times. And that is more rewarding than anything.”