NYS Bridge Commission
The New York State Funeral Directors Association’s Bridge Commission was created with the mission of developing strategies and practices that will assist the Association and its members recruit, develop and promote funeral professionals into and within the NYSFDA community. The Commission fulfills its charge through the mantra of Build, Connect, Support, Elevate.
Member Responsibilities
- Members will act to help ensure the sustainability and growth of the funeral service profession in New York State.
- Members should have a strong interest in – or be currently engaged in – advocacy, outreach, education or volunteerism beyond their current job requirements.
- Members will participate in conference calls and attend in-person meetings.
- Members will commit to actively participate on at least one Commission project work group.
- Members will support and participate in fulfilling the strategic focus and goals of the Commission, which will be
decided annually.
Commission Members
Lorna Agusto, CFSP
David Conley
Nicholas Farenga (chair)
Jenna Fretthold
Julia Goodman
Michael Gorton, Jr., CFSP
Michelle Kinville
Sabrina Joynes, CFSP
Tyler Kent
Marika McMeans, CFSP
Heather Rauch
Carrie-Lynne Sorvari
Melissa Weeks
Daniel Zysman